Every good southerner loves a nice bowl of grits, whether sweet or savory. On the other hand, most people who grew up outside the south just don't get it. Being here in Virginia, right on the borderline, even many of us don't know about the deliciousness of grits when they're done just right. Sometimes, even younger generations of southerners don't get the chance to learn the tricks to those perfect grits that their parents and grandparents made. Even few restaurants get grits 100% right. Restaurant grits are often glue-y and goopy, and less than appetizing. Homemade grits that are done improperly are stiff and, well, gritty. No one wants that, ick!
This recipe is to equip you with the tools for making perfect creamy, dreamy grits! You can use this technique for either sweet or savory grits, adding in the seasoning at the same point when the sugar is added in the recipe below, in place of the sugar, of course.
1-1/2 c water
6 TB grits
2 tsp butter
1/2 c milk or so
about 1/3 c white granulated sugar (optional)
*for savory grits add ingredients like paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and shredded cheddar in lieu of sugar
1. Bring water to a boil over high heat with 2 tsp of butter, cut into small pieces to facilitate rapid melting. Gradually add in 6 TB of grits, whisking rapidly and continuously.
2. Reduce heat to low (# 2 if you have numbers), cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
3. About every 3 or 4 minutes, remove top and whisk grits to break up lumps, being sure to get any grits stuck on the sides of the pan. At this point, if you grits have absorbed most of the liquid, add in a little milk, whisk, cover, and continue simmering.
4. Repeat this process throughout cooking. Before the last 4 minutes, whisk in any remaining milk and whisk in the sugar or other seasoning. For sweet grits, around 1/3c sugar works for this amount.
5. Serve immediately. For any leftovers, if they are too dry stir in a little liquid with a fork before reheating.
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